I've just made a map of tags for CrossValidated.
In short: tag size is related to tag popularity and edges are related to tag co-occurrences in questions (or more precisely: the observed/expected ratio, see Is there a term for $P(A\cap B)/[P(A)P(B)]$?).
For me it looks as a "snapshot" of topics and scope of this SE site. So if you want to you it in any way to promote Stats.SE - feel free!
Also, if you have comments how to improve its usefulness or niceness to our community, I would appreciate them (but bear in mind that I have no color esthetics).
- An entry for StackExchange vis competition at Kaggle (please vote if you like it :), it ends on Nov 3)
- Recipe, code and images at GitHub (e.g. tweak the plot to your taste; feel invited to co-develop)
community on here. It's now one of your largest tags! But seriously, this is super cool I'm sharing it with the team. $\endgroup$