We all have a duty to scan for questions displaying personal and identifying information and flag them for deletion. Even editing the question to remove data values leaves the edit history containing the data. I don't think the datasets in OP's question meet these criteria exactly, but I defer to others...
If we allow posters to violate likely compliance laws from their institution, then we denigrate the credibility of our site.
The two questions in OP's example have "reproducible datasets" that suspiciously contain "age" as a decimal. If one knows when the data snapshot was performed, one can backtransform "age" into a birthdate which is identifying. Age can also be identifying when it gets too old, say over 80 or 90, that when combined with another "innocuous" variable like sex and race, can also identify individuals in some cases. Different institutions have different requirements, no set of laws is complete nor completely required.
For reference, HIPAA has a defined list of variables that are considered personal and identifying:
This is a partial list, I can identify someone for instance, with variables such as "OwnsASpaceFlightCompany" and "OwnsAnElectricCarEnterprise". In the words of Mad Eye Mooney, "Constant Vigilance!"