It has become obvious that the second beautifully (management-style) written apology is not sincere.
The follow up actions are not only dissatisfying, but in addition the StackExchange employees are even joking about the moderators quitting.
StackExchange is displaying a lack of talent in how to deal with this difficult matter and is doing more harm instead of trying to do good. And in the process they show that they do not care about their community (and this issue with the change of the Code of Conduct is just a last drop in the bucket).
I believe that moderators resigning seems not to be enough. I guess that a larger signal is necessary like a lot of users going on strike.
I myself have little power (just 1% of the answers here) but I will kick off and see if many want to join the list and make StackExchange understand better that they have not been behaving well to the community and have not been leading by example (showing how to be respectful).
No more answers from:
- Martijn Weterings (pseudonym StackExchangeStrike aka Sextus Empiricus, following this)
- Aksakal
- mdewey (including from review queues)
To any person that is not identifying as he/she. Note that this post is not against the LGBTQ community. It is against the disrespect of StackExchange towards their contributors. I hope that respect may come to the LGBTQ community without this respect being fabricated by a management that distrusts their contributors and creates hollow draconian rules (that do nothing to change non-accepting people into accepting people, or worse might do the opposite), but instead by a community on StackExchange that is typically caring about others and is just trying to help.