There have been many threads on CV-meta about whether questions are on-topic, off-topic, are too-localized, etc.
For example:
- Are "find the distribution" questions on topic?
- Is a question about configuring R to use a proxy server off-topic?
- Are the "Machine Learning" questions on topic?
- Are questions about terminology off topic?
- What standard should be applied in deciding whether a question requires sufficient 'statistical expertise' to be posted to CV?
- Is this question off-topic?
- Are notation questions off-topic?
- How do I find out why "a question here fails to meet quality standards"?
- Is this question too local?
tags (deleted, only visible to high-rep users)- "Where to publish" questions: on-topic?
- Course or what to study recommendation questions on-topic?
I offer this question as a clearing house where we can keep a running and persistent tally regarding the criteria that we use to establish whether something is on-topic, off-topic, too-localized, needs to be migrated, and/or low quality. These criteria should only be applied to contemporary posts at the time they are made. Criteria for deleting/closing/migrating questions made prior to the date of this post should be discussed elsewhere.
Please provide only one criterion per answer. Please title your criterion so that it may be referred to in other criteria. Please provide examples when possible.
Please liberally up-vote and down-vote proposed criteria.
Each criterion that crosses a certain threshold of up-votes (I propose 5) should be considered to be in-force.
Additional Rules
- If two criteria conflict, then the criterion with more upvotes applies, unless another criterion with more than 5 upvotes specifically addresses the case of conflict (in which case please cite the titles of the specific criteria implicated in your conflict resolution criterion).
- If two conflicting criteria have an equal number of votes, but no de-conflicting criterion has crossed the threshold of acceptance, then the criterion with the later original post date applies.
When possible discussions should occur in chat.
Active Chats
- None