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Unanswered Questions

21 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
22 votes
0 answers

Closing "software questions"

TL;DR: Recently, it seems to me like we have been a little trigger-happy about closing questions as "only about software/programming". I ask that we please ease off a bit. Our help page on ...
14 votes
0 answers

What should we do with HW questions where the person says "I have no idea how to start"?

Our guidelines for homework question say to use the self-study tag and tell what you've tried. But what about when a person says, "I have no idea where to start?" Should such questions be closed? ...
13 votes
0 answers

Customize criteria for automatic population to review queue?

I think we could dramatically improve the review queue process if we could auto-populate the queue with questions that are suspect for more refined reasons than currently exist. In the same vein as to ...
12 votes
0 answers

Canonical duplicate for "Why do predictions vary less than observations?"

Two recent questions: Regression - variance of predictions much lower than variance of target, which I voted to close as a duplicate of Regression predictions show far less variance than expected I ...
12 votes
0 answers

Improve closure-to-migrate voting

We often get questions that focus on how to do something using R (or Python, rarely SAS, MS Excel or others), with little to no statistical content. Such questions are off-topic and should be closed. ...
11 votes
0 answers

Do we have a canonical Q&A for deriving KL divergence for two Gaussians?

The question of deriving the KL divergence of two Gaussians appears frequently. It arises especially often in the context of variational auto-encoders, because the essential paper on the topic by ...
10 votes
0 answers

How many questions about cross-validation do we honestly need?

We have a wealth of questions about cross-validation, such as Cross-validation including training, validation, and testing. Why do we need three subsets? What is the difference between test set and ...
10 votes
0 answers

Should the standards for closing questions be relaxed somewhat for old questions?

As I've started reviewing more this question keeps occurring to me. In my judgment there are three ordered categories of question quality: should definitely stay open, should definitely be closed, ...
9 votes
0 answers

Programming or data request confusion

I haven't been reviewing long, but it seems like almost daily I see questions closed due to programming or data requests. But to me the majority of these are more often statistical questions rather ...
9 votes
0 answers

Please help again with review queues, even if they are short!

Again posts can linger for too long (days) in the review queues without resolution. Now not because the queues are long, they are short so people forgot to visit them. See my former question long ...
9 votes
0 answers

Does it take too long for questions "on hold" to be re-opened and are enough questions re-opened?

I find it a bit puzzling, regarding site moderation, that questions are put on hold quickly (that's good) but in my experience it takes forever for them to be re-opened. In a recent example from this ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to change accidental reviews for a short time after the review?

Often I visit CV via my mobile phone because during the day I am out for work, etc. With the smaller screen and the imperfections of a touch device I have experienced a few instances where I approved ...
8 votes
0 answers

Two good questions (with good answers) about fitting after cross validation: to which should we point the dupes?

These two questions answer are very similar, and each has a good, highly upvoted, accepted answer: How to choose a predictive model after k-fold cross-validation?, and Training with the full dataset ...
8 votes
0 answers

Homework question put on hold for "demanding an answer" even though, I did show what my own thinking/approach to the problem was?

This post about a question that came up in a test was put on hold, presumably because I am "demanding an answer". But I'm not, I clearly explained what my thinking was and how it differed from the ...
8 votes
0 answers

How often do you "skip" on closing a question and why do you do so?

When deciding whether to close a question, one option is to skip - which is like abstaining. How often do you do this? Why do you do so? And, as another question, what happens when people skip?

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