Some situations come up frequently enough, especially with new users, that it seems useful to maintain a library of polite, helpful responses we can offer. Mods (and anyone else) can then copy and paste from this library.
The purpose of this thread is to implement that library.
The intended structure is that each reply should offer one or more possible comments to respond to one defined situation. (Thus, please feel free to edit an existing reply rather than create multiple replies for the same situation.) Examples of such situations--which I have gleaned from recent moderator interventions--would include
Incomprehensible or vague/ambiguous questions.
Demands for homework solutions.
Off-topic questions.
Self-serving replies or overt marketing in replies.
I am also hopeful that by making this library available here, the community can gradually improve these stock messages via direct edits or comments. Possibly we could even add amplifications in the replies (such as more extended discussions of what actions are expected in response) and link to them directly where appropriate.