One great use of this website I discovered is digging through the highest voted answers authored by users with high reputation. I've discovered some really interesting discusions this way, and I recently developed a data explorer query to weed out the "most interesting" users on the site. I thought others might be interested and wanted to share my new tool.
The cv_user
field is a direct link to the "answers" tab of the appropriate userpage, sorted by vote score. Also, I filtered out results from the "best statistical jokes" and "best statistical quotes" questions because I'm only interested in technical discussions.
My intention here is not to stir up a competitive environment or anything like that, simply to highlight users whose answer histories are rich with interesting discussions.
Update: Per whuber's suggestion, here're some slightly modified versions of the above query
- Answers that received more than a threshhold of votes (default = eight) within a limited time period (default two weeks) of being written -- Query
- Users who have submitted questions meeting the above criteria -- Query
- The unique questions associated with answers meeting the above conditions, sorted by the number of upvotes the "best" answer was able to achieve within two weeks Query
If anyone else has other suggestions, I'm taking requests ;)
names. Cardinal and whuber are tied for 11th. My rankings are strange. $\endgroup$