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Unanswered Questions

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
13 votes
0 answers

Customize criteria for automatic population to review queue?

I think we could dramatically improve the review queue process if we could auto-populate the queue with questions that are suspect for more refined reasons than currently exist. In the same vein as to ...
9 votes
0 answers

Please help again with review queues, even if they are short!

Again posts can linger for too long (days) in the review queues without resolution. Now not because the queues are long, they are short so people forgot to visit them. See my former question long ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to change accidental reviews for a short time after the review?

Often I visit CV via my mobile phone because during the day I am out for work, etc. With the smaller screen and the imperfections of a touch device I have experienced a few instances where I approved ...
8 votes
0 answers

How often do you "skip" on closing a question and why do you do so?

When deciding whether to close a question, one option is to skip - which is like abstaining. How often do you do this? Why do you do so? And, as another question, what happens when people skip?
8 votes
0 answers

Error in the suggested edits review queue

For some time now I've had problems with rejecting suggested edits in the suggested edits review queue. Usually the majority of edits is actually an improvement but when the exceptions occur the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Request for "Review suggested edits" page to render edited formulas

On the "review suggested edits" page, even when you choose the "rendered output" view, it will still show the raw TeX of the formula you edited. (Unedited formulas in the answer are rendered, though.)...