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Unanswered Questions

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
14 votes
0 answers

What should we do with HW questions where the person says "I have no idea how to start"?

Our guidelines for homework question say to use the self-study tag and tell what you've tried. But what about when a person says, "I have no idea where to start?" Should such questions be closed? ...
10 votes
0 answers

Is it okay to add the [self-study] tag through an edit instead of asking OP to do it?

I just (attempted to) reject an edit to include the "self-study" tag in a question, because the editor was "pretty certain that this is a self-study/homework question". "Self-study" is I think the ...
8 votes
0 answers

Homework question put on hold for "demanding an answer" even though, I did show what my own thinking/approach to the problem was?

This post about a question that came up in a test was put on hold, presumably because I am "demanding an answer". But I'm not, I clearly explained what my thinking was and how it differed from the ...
3 votes
0 answers

what is an answer versus a comment to a self-study question

We don't just post answers to self-study questions where we give the proof of whatever the OP is asking. I think this is a good policy. However, that seems to mean that any post in response to a self-...
3 votes
0 answers

The homework tag and homework policy (is it indeed "a routine question"?)

Right now the homework tag says "a routine question....". To me, this implies a simple question, probably from an elementary text. Many homework tagged questions are, indeed, just like this. But some ...