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Unanswered Questions

51 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
22 votes
0 answers

Closing "software questions"

TL;DR: Recently, it seems to me like we have been a little trigger-happy about closing questions as "only about software/programming". I ask that we please ease off a bit. Our help page on ...
19 votes
0 answers

Questions asking for statistical package recommendations: how do we differentiate in vs out of bounds for CV?

Recently, I asked for a recommendation for R packages that were capable of doing latent class analysis with mixed indicator types and were capable of doing latent class regression (i.e. treat the ...
17 votes
0 answers

Are "stats-review" questions on-topic?

I'm dealing with a question on Stack Overflow that's really a "stats review" -- not technically a code review ("is this code OK?"), but "is this statistical approach OK?" This strikes me as ...
15 votes
0 answers

My question (on R/C/C++ libraries for a specific task) wrongfully put as off-topic

My question Libraries for Siamese networks put on hold as off-topic because, as gung claims, "questions asking for software, libraries, or code are off topic here". There is no sentence "questions ...
13 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to access the review queue from the mobile app?

I made a New Year's resolution of making more reviews 😆 as a way of giving back to the community. As per object, is it possible to make reviews from the mobile app? I haven't been able to access the ...
13 votes
0 answers

Customize criteria for automatic population to review queue?

I think we could dramatically improve the review queue process if we could auto-populate the queue with questions that are suspect for more refined reasons than currently exist. In the same vein as to ...
13 votes
0 answers

Flagging very old questions

I have today been flagging some very old questions that are very low quality. The reason I'm doing this is because they still show up in the "unanswered" section of the site, but they are very ...
12 votes
0 answers

Improve closure-to-migrate voting

We often get questions that focus on how to do something using R (or Python, rarely SAS, MS Excel or others), with little to no statistical content. Such questions are off-topic and should be closed. ...
9 votes
0 answers

Closing a terminology question as primarily opinion-based vs. writing an answer explaining why it is primarily opinion-based?

If a terminology question asks about a subjective term, is it preferable to close it as primarily opinion-based or to write an answer explaining why it is primarily opinion-based? Example: What is ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to change accidental reviews for a short time after the review?

Often I visit CV via my mobile phone because during the day I am out for work, etc. With the smaller screen and the imperfections of a touch device I have experienced a few instances where I approved ...
8 votes
0 answers

If and how to ask about soliciting domain knowledge relevant to priors

One of the less precisely-defined (mathematically or otherwise) aspects of performing Bayesian inference is assignment of priors based on domain knowledge, and there are plenty of questions on ...
8 votes
0 answers

Is it on topic for a question to ask for a canonical example?

I want to ask a question with the title Is there a canonical example demonstrating the difference between predictive and explanatory models? I have ideas about the body of this question, with some ...
7 votes
0 answers

Possible to add multicolumn functionality to LaTeX mark down?

I am not sure how LaTeX packages are loaded into StackExchanges like Stats, but I'm curious whether the multicolumn functionality can be added for arrays? I know some of the amsmath symbols are loaded ...
7 votes
0 answers

Should questions about the statistics profession be added to the scope of CV?

I noticed that a recent question about the statistics profession was closed as off-topic. It clearly does not fall within the listed topics on our help pages so I have no objection to the moderating ...
7 votes
0 answers

Course or what to study recommendation questions on-topic?

What should we do with "how to learn statistics/machine learning" questions? For instance: Mathematician wants the equivalent knowledge to a quality stats degree is pretty highly upvoted, community ...

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