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Unanswered Questions

35 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
19 votes
0 answers

Answering narrowly or more broadly: some evidence from green checks and upvotes

(UPDATE 28-8-2014 : Following suggestions, this post now appears also in the CV blog,
14 votes
0 answers

How to encourage people to upvote new answers to old questions?

I have the impression that many new answers to old questions often do not get the number of upvotes they deserve. What can we do so that these answers are also upvoted? "Old question" in this ...
13 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to access the review queue from the mobile app?

I made a New Year's resolution of making more reviews 😆 as a way of giving back to the community. As per object, is it possible to make reviews from the mobile app? I haven't been able to access the ...
13 votes
0 answers

Customize criteria for automatic population to review queue?

I think we could dramatically improve the review queue process if we could auto-populate the queue with questions that are suspect for more refined reasons than currently exist. In the same vein as to ...
12 votes
0 answers

Improve closure-to-migrate voting

We often get questions that focus on how to do something using R (or Python, rarely SAS, MS Excel or others), with little to no statistical content. Such questions are off-topic and should be closed. ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to change accidental reviews for a short time after the review?

Often I visit CV via my mobile phone because during the day I am out for work, etc. With the smaller screen and the imperfections of a touch device I have experienced a few instances where I approved ...
7 votes
0 answers

Possible to add multicolumn functionality to LaTeX mark down?

I am not sure how LaTeX packages are loaded into StackExchanges like Stats, but I'm curious whether the multicolumn functionality can be added for arrays? I know some of the amsmath symbols are loaded ...
6 votes
0 answers

Updating guidelines about asking a question on our Help page

In our site Help Center, under 'Asking' heading there is currently three pinned user-guiding themes: What topics can I ask about here?, What types of questions should I avoid asking?, What does it ...
6 votes
0 answers

A sketching tool would be very useful

I basic sketching tool to quickly draw out graphs / concepts etc. along the lines of Balsamiq markups would be really useful. It would be doubly useful if people answering questions could access the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Improve "Similar questions" results when writing a question

I've noticed recently that when I write a new question such as this one, the "Similar questions" box just above the Body text entry box shows results that are similar, but they're similar ...
5 votes
0 answers

Change tag 'metric' into 'metric-distance'

Many newcomer users incorrectly apply tag 'metric' (defined as a subclass of distances) to questions where word "a metric" is used by them simply as "a coefficient", "a ...
5 votes
0 answers

Request for "Review suggested edits" page to render edited formulas

On the "review suggested edits" page, even when you choose the "rendered output" view, it will still show the raw TeX of the formula you edited. (Unedited formulas in the answer are rendered, though.)...
5 votes
0 answers

Adding an alternative title to an existing thread

How can I make an existing thread easier to find using certain keywords? For example, today I had a question, "When does LASSO fail?". I searched this on Cross Validated and could not find an answer....
5 votes
0 answers

Follow-on to a question with too much scope

I am really enjoying working through the problem here. I could write a dozen articles for my question. It is a good question, but it is extensible. It addresses a big area. Do you recommend that I:...
5 votes
0 answers

Personal notebook feature for StackExchange?

I'm curious if there is any effort to implement a "personal notebook" feature in StackExchange? This would be a feature of an individual account, similar to the current question-asking interface, ...

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