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Unanswered Questions

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
19 votes
0 answers

Answering narrowly or more broadly: some evidence from green checks and upvotes

(UPDATE 28-8-2014 : Following suggestions, this post now appears also in the CV blog,
14 votes
0 answers

How to encourage people to upvote new answers to old questions?

I have the impression that many new answers to old questions often do not get the number of upvotes they deserve. What can we do so that these answers are also upvoted? "Old question" in this ...
5 votes
0 answers

Follow-on to a question with too much scope

I am really enjoying working through the problem here. I could write a dozen articles for my question. It is a good question, but it is extensible. It addresses a big area. Do you recommend that I:...
3 votes
0 answers

what is an answer versus a comment to a self-study question

We don't just post answers to self-study questions where we give the proof of whatever the OP is asking. I think this is a good policy. However, that seems to mean that any post in response to a self-...
3 votes
0 answers

Dead end Questions

I use several Stack Exchange sites, with Stack Overflow being the most usual for me. I strongly agree with the points threshold (needed for every action in the Stack Exchange sites). I've never had ...
1 vote
0 answers

Tag for comments that contain maieutic responses

I asked a question and got a maieutic question in response. After figuring out the answer myself I awarded answer credit to the person who put forth the effort to write the answer. While this ...
0 votes
0 answers

Difficulty finding an answer to a specific question and difficulty with wording

3 months ago I asked Probability Mass Function making the Truncated Normal Discrete I can't seem to get enough attention to get multiple attempts to answer the question probably because of my poor ...