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Unanswered Questions

223 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
44 votes
0 answers

Regarding the passing away of Bruce E. Trumbo

Today, it has been noted (by Nick Cox in Ten Fold) that recently Dr. Bruce E. Trumbo, professor emeritus of statistics, biostatistics, and mathematics, author of two books, and most prominently one of ...
36 votes
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2020 Community Moderator Election Results

Cross Validated's fifth moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied and the two new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly—please thank them for ...
32 votes
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2015 Community Moderator Election Results

Cross Validated's 3rd moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for ...
28 votes
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2017 Community Moderator Election Results

Cross Validated's fourth moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for ...
27 votes
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Your votes are useful, use them!

As the community grows up, we face an increasing number of interesting questions, but we can see also, sometimes, some questions that should be closed because they just don't fit within this site. ...
26 votes
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The most interesting users on CV

One great use of this website I discovered is digging through the highest voted answers authored by users with high reputation. I've discovered some really interesting discusions this way, and I ...
25 votes
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Tag Map for CrossValidated

I've just made a map of tags for CrossValidated. In short: tag size is related to tag popularity and edges are related to tag co-occurrences in questions (or more precisely: the observed/expected ...
25 votes
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Cross Validated swag for top users

As a thank you for being awesome, if you are on page 1 or page 2 of … … we'll be sending you a little care package ...
22 votes
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Closing "software questions"

TL;DR: Recently, it seems to me like we have been a little trigger-happy about closing questions as "only about software/programming". I ask that we please ease off a bit. Our help page on ...
22 votes
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2017 moderator election requested

To keep you informed - we (the moderators) recently requested an election for two new moderator positions for CrossValidated. It should begin soon. Our election pages are here (which currently link ...
19 votes
0 answers

Questions asking for statistical package recommendations: how do we differentiate in vs out of bounds for CV?

Recently, I asked for a recommendation for R packages that were capable of doing latent class analysis with mixed indicator types and were capable of doing latent class regression (i.e. treat the ...
19 votes
0 answers

Answering narrowly or more broadly: some evidence from green checks and upvotes

(UPDATE 28-8-2014 : Following suggestions, this post now appears also in the CV blog,
18 votes
0 answers

Google Cloud will be Sponsoring Cross Validated SE

Update September 20th, 2024 The site sponsorship has been extended through December 31st. Update on June 25th, 2024 The site sponsorship has been extended through September 30th. Update on March 21, ...
17 votes
0 answers

Big Thank You for All Your Help!

I have just finished self-studying my way through Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 5th Ed., by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Scheaffer. I read every word, and solved every problem (well over 1k)....
17 votes
0 answers

Are "stats-review" questions on-topic?

I'm dealing with a question on Stack Overflow that's really a "stats review" -- not technically a code review ("is this code OK?"), but "is this statistical approach OK?" This strikes me as ...
17 votes
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2017 Moderator Election - We need more candidates!

In about 6 hours, the nomination phase of the moderator elections is scheduled to end. However, in order for the election to proceed, it is necessary to have at least one more candidate running than ...
17 votes
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How can we encourage askers to provide context?

When browsing unanswered questions, I very frequently find myself wanting to request the user who's asking a question to provide more context. Specifically, I often want to ask some form of "What are ...
17 votes
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Introducing CrossValidated.SE Pizza Ambassadors Program: calling students and teachers

StackExchange is looking for students and teachers who might be interested in helping us kick off/formalize a pizza ambassador-type program. CrossValidated.StackExchange would like to sponsor ...
15 votes
0 answers

Request for information on top users --- name, profession, institution, title

SE users, Request for information on top users --- name, profession, institution, title I am currently writing an academic paper on statistics education using CV.SE, which is expected to be published ...
15 votes
0 answers

Some tags need better names

I think that some tags need better names, and want to start out, but will ask here first about opinions and ideas. Distribution tags should have names ending in -distribution (there might be ...
15 votes
0 answers

My question (on R/C/C++ libraries for a specific task) wrongfully put as off-topic

My question Libraries for Siamese networks put on hold as off-topic because, as gung claims, "questions asking for software, libraries, or code are off topic here". There is no sentence "questions ...
14 votes
0 answers

What should we do with HW questions where the person says "I have no idea how to start"?

Our guidelines for homework question say to use the self-study tag and tell what you've tried. But what about when a person says, "I have no idea where to start?" Should such questions be closed? ...
14 votes
0 answers

How to encourage people to upvote new answers to old questions?

I have the impression that many new answers to old questions often do not get the number of upvotes they deserve. What can we do so that these answers are also upvoted? "Old question" in this ...
14 votes
0 answers

Introducing Stack Exchange Research Support and Fellowship Program

The mission of Stack Exchange is to make the internet a better place to get expert answers to your questions. The Stack Exchange Fellowship Program aims to support students conducting research in ...
13 votes
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2023: a year in moderation

It’s that time of the year again! As we wave goodbye to last year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be ...
13 votes
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2018: a year in moderation

It's New Year's Day in Stack Exchange land... A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in ...
13 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to access the review queue from the mobile app?

I made a New Year's resolution of making more reviews 😆 as a way of giving back to the community. As per object, is it possible to make reviews from the mobile app? I haven't been able to access the ...
13 votes
0 answers

Customize criteria for automatic population to review queue?

I think we could dramatically improve the review queue process if we could auto-populate the queue with questions that are suspect for more refined reasons than currently exist. In the same vein as to ...
13 votes
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How not to miss interesting answers?

By now there are so many new questions on Cross Validated that "active" topics disappear from the front page in around 8 hours. This is fast. This means that if I check the website once per day, I ...
13 votes
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Flagging very old questions

I have today been flagging some very old questions that are very low quality. The reason I'm doing this is because they still show up in the "unanswered" section of the site, but they are very ...
12 votes
0 answers

Chatgpt and similar chat bots are trained using CV content. Did we agree to it?

When we started contributing to CV we did not foresee the content would be used to train chat bots and that chat bots would be as profitable as they are. Did we consent to the content to be used to ...
12 votes
0 answers

wald-estimator tag: What is it?

What is Wald estimator? the tag wald-estimator has no wiki and unclear use, is it just a synonym for wald test, or something else? (some of the use should be retagged to wald-test.)
12 votes
0 answers

Effect of actions done in protest to the SE company on site analytics

It's now been almost 6 months since the community has become widely aware of practices by the greater StackExchange company which a lot of people have disagreed with. There has been a lot of ...
12 votes
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Irregular voting patterns

Without calling anyone out, I suspected someone of downvoting other answers than their own just to have theirs appear higher/attract more upvotes. However, I wasn't sure how to report this and more ...
12 votes
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Canonical duplicate for "Why do predictions vary less than observations?"

Two recent questions: Regression - variance of predictions much lower than variance of target, which I voted to close as a duplicate of Regression predictions show far less variance than expected I ...
12 votes
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Improve closure-to-migrate voting

We often get questions that focus on how to do something using R (or Python, rarely SAS, MS Excel or others), with little to no statistical content. Such questions are off-topic and should be closed. ...
12 votes
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Improving [mathematical-statistics] tag excerpt

I've noticed a lot of questions with the mathematical-statistics tag where it clearly doesn't belong. I think this happens because naive users think all statistics is mathematical statistics. The ...
12 votes
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Mathematics Educators Stackexchange and its relationship to statistics

Stackexchange recently opened up a new site,, for public beta. It is a site for math teachers to discuss how to be better teachers. There have already been a few ...
11 votes
0 answers

Do we have a canonical Q&A for deriving KL divergence for two Gaussians?

The question of deriving the KL divergence of two Gaussians appears frequently. It arises especially often in the context of variational auto-encoders, because the essential paper on the topic by ...
11 votes
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Dear mods, what should be our protocol for tag burnination?

There is this Meta thread: Tag-candidates for removal. During the last three six months, it collected 8 answers with up to +12 upvotes. However, not a single action has so far been taken. As ...
11 votes
0 answers

American Statistical Association Government Statistics Section Data Challenge

This is an announcement rather than a discussion entry. Stuff like that is definitely off-topic on the main site, and while I have reservations regarding the Meta, either, I'd still like to post this ...
11 votes
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Stack Exchange Fellowship and Grant Program: Looking for reviewers to assess thesis proposals

Stack Exchange will be introducing a Fellowship Program awarding grants for original and independent research projects. Undergraduate Honors Theses, Independent Study Projects, Masters Theses, and ...
10 votes
0 answers

2022: a year in moderation

As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange ...
10 votes
0 answers

What do I do if I have a bounty active, the answer is from an inactive user, but is mostly right minus a major edit?

I currently have a bounty active for When was the word "bias" coined to mean $\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}-\theta]$?. The answer is correct, except the article that is cited is wrong, as it can ...
10 votes
0 answers

2017 Community Moderator Election

The 2017 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
10 votes
0 answers

How many questions about cross-validation do we honestly need?

We have a wealth of questions about cross-validation, such as Cross-validation including training, validation, and testing. Why do we need three subsets? What is the difference between test set and ...
10 votes
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JSM 2015 mixer?

I've asked on the CV Meta before about who is attending the Joint Statistical Meetings, and who wants to match the usernames and faces. Honestly, I am jumping from session to session during the day, ...
10 votes
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2015 Community Moderator Election

The 2015 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
10 votes
0 answers

Is it okay to add the [self-study] tag through an edit instead of asking OP to do it?

I just (attempted to) reject an edit to include the "self-study" tag in a question, because the editor was "pretty certain that this is a self-study/homework question". "Self-study" is I think the ...
10 votes
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Should the standards for closing questions be relaxed somewhat for old questions?

As I've started reviewing more this question keeps occurring to me. In my judgment there are three ordered categories of question quality: should definitely stay open, should definitely be closed, ...

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