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Unanswered Questions

223 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
0 answers

Would question seeking advice on software design involving probabilistic programming be on-topic?

I just wanted to try and see if I can cook up some simple Python routines to allow translation of commonly used models into code that we can then use some inference engine on. So, basically I am ...
6 votes
0 answers

Are 'style/approach review' questions acceptable?

This is related to an earlier question on code review at CV. While 'code review' itself is understandably out of scope, I wonder about questions like this one which I asked on SO, and this question ...
6 votes
0 answers

Blog design is off for monthly view Something is wrong with your layout there:
6 votes
0 answers

Updating guidelines about asking a question on our Help page

In our site Help Center, under 'Asking' heading there is currently three pinned user-guiding themes: What topics can I ask about here?, What types of questions should I avoid asking?, What does it ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to get machine-learning contributors from stackoverflow to join our site

I thought that machine learning is a niche on stackoverflow until I have checked just for fun the corresponding tag. It is true that some questions are more programming related than others, but I ...
6 votes
0 answers

A sketching tool would be very useful

I basic sketching tool to quickly draw out graphs / concepts etc. along the lines of Balsamiq markups would be really useful. It would be doubly useful if people answering questions could access the ...
5 votes
0 answers

How well do unicode symbols work in questions and answers?

Only a limited subset of $\LaTeX$ is supported on this site, though enough for the vast majority of equations we'd be likely to use. Unicode symbols can still be useful, perhaps especially the more &...
5 votes
0 answers

To what extent are questions about survey methodology and design appropriate?

I was thinking about asking for academic references relative to conducting a survey on the human population that frequents a transit neighborhood (transit neighborhood may be particularly challenging ...
5 votes
0 answers

What are articles?

When navigating to a users page, I now see "questions" and "answers" as usual but also "articles". What are these? Are preprints intended to be posted there? A link can ...
5 votes
0 answers

Improve "Similar questions" results when writing a question

I've noticed recently that when I write a new question such as this one, the "Similar questions" box just above the Body text entry box shows results that are similar, but they're similar ...
5 votes
0 answers

Change tag 'metric' into 'metric-distance'

Many newcomer users incorrectly apply tag 'metric' (defined as a subclass of distances) to questions where word "a metric" is used by them simply as "a coefficient", "a ...
5 votes
0 answers

networks, social-networks and graph-theory tags

It looks to me like these three tags have a lot of overlap between them - so much that maybe we should to make them synonyms, remove one (or two?) of them or something. The tag descriptions seem ...
5 votes
0 answers

Are questions concerning deployment best practices on-topic?

I have a model built with time series data that I want to deploy. Sadly, I haven't found a lot of resources for this and I wanted to ask how to best approach this. The answer I am hoping for contains ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should my two part question be asked separately?

I've asked a question about error analysis and included a follow up question which is strongly related to the first one. I'm unsure whether it would be best to post them as separate questions. I'm ...
5 votes
0 answers

Request for "Review suggested edits" page to render edited formulas

On the "review suggested edits" page, even when you choose the "rendered output" view, it will still show the raw TeX of the formula you edited. (Unedited formulas in the answer are rendered, though.)...

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