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Unanswered Questions

223 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
8 votes
0 answers

If and how to ask about soliciting domain knowledge relevant to priors

One of the less precisely-defined (mathematically or otherwise) aspects of performing Bayesian inference is assignment of priors based on domain knowledge, and there are plenty of questions on ...
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0 answers

2020: a year in moderation

As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the past 12 months. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network ...
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0 answers

Two good questions (with good answers) about fitting after cross validation: to which should we point the dupes?

These two questions answer are very similar, and each has a good, highly upvoted, accepted answer: How to choose a predictive model after k-fold cross-validation?, and Training with the full dataset ...
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0 answers

Isn't a question about identifying whether a variable is discrete or continuous on-topic?

(Edit: It's auto-deleted now...) I believe this post How to find whether the variable is discrete or continuous where appropriate? is on topic. The subject is inherently statistical and identifying ...
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0 answers

Is it on topic for a question to ask for a canonical example?

I want to ask a question with the title Is there a canonical example demonstrating the difference between predictive and explanatory models? I have ideas about the body of this question, with some ...
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0 answers

Homework question put on hold for "demanding an answer" even though, I did show what my own thinking/approach to the problem was?

This post about a question that came up in a test was put on hold, presumably because I am "demanding an answer". But I'm not, I clearly explained what my thinking was and how it differed from the ...
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0 answers

How often do you "skip" on closing a question and why do you do so?

When deciding whether to close a question, one option is to skip - which is like abstaining. How often do you do this? Why do you do so? And, as another question, what happens when people skip?
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0 answers

Error in the suggested edits review queue

For some time now I've had problems with rejecting suggested edits in the suggested edits review queue. Usually the majority of edits is actually an improvement but when the exceptions occur the ...
8 votes
0 answers

JSM 2014 mixer?

Is there any interest to meet up at the JSM 2014 in Boston? I asked this before for 2013 here and there, but nothing came to fruition. I am bringing this up to your attention again, as the time period ...
7 votes
0 answers

Possible to add multicolumn functionality to LaTeX mark down?

I am not sure how LaTeX packages are loaded into StackExchanges like Stats, but I'm curious whether the multicolumn functionality can be added for arrays? I know some of the amsmath symbols are loaded ...
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0 answers

2021: a year in moderation

As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange ...
7 votes
0 answers

Should questions about the statistics profession be added to the scope of CV?

I noticed that a recent question about the statistics profession was closed as off-topic. It clearly does not fall within the listed topics on our help pages so I have no objection to the moderating ...
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0 answers

What to do when one's exact question is previous posted with inconsistency in the answers?

I was curious about this exact question: What are the advantages of ReLU over sigmoid function in deep neural networks? Reading through there seems to be some confusion, mainly from user Alex R., who ...
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0 answers

Is there a way to solicit Cross Validated users to Commit to a proposed Operations Research and Analytics site (in Area 51)?

An "Operations Research and Analytics" site for Stack Exchange has been proposed, and is now in need of enough ...
7 votes
0 answers

How are we doing on the "Repository of Knowledge" front?

One of the acknowledged and shared long-term objectives of CV and of other .SE Q&A sites appears to be the creation of an on-line high-quality "Repository of Knowledge" (RoK). While "quality" ...

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