19 votes

Would you recommend phrasing questions controversially to provoke a response?

This part time cabinet maker and cross trainer will shortcut your power analysis with this one weird trick - statisticians hate him! Being provocative or controversial can garner more attention, but ...
Glen_b's user avatar
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8 votes

Would you recommend phrasing questions controversially to provoke a response?

Glen_b provides a wonderful answer. To date, though, I don't see a key point expressed anywhere in this thread: A question that makes controversial or incorrect assertions is a confusing question. ...
whuber's user avatar
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7 votes

Question titles cannot be similar to those of a closed question

First of all, this is not something that we (neither the moderators, nor the community) can solve. This is how the platform is built, so if you wanted this to be changed, you should post a feature ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes

Modifying the title of duplicate questions

The question's an old one with a correct, clear, accepted answer that applies to the more general case, so I think we can be bold in editing; it's got many views, & duplicates linking to it, so I ...
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes

Question titles cannot be similar to those of a closed question

[W]hy shouldn't the same question be asked again, with a different description? This sounds a lot like you are asking a duplicate of a closed question. If the question was closed because it's ...
Sycorax's user avatar
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