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34 votes

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

We need more answers, and therefore answer-writers There's no escaping that more answers to on-topic questions are required to close the gap. More active participation in closure queues is a ...
Sycorax's user avatar
  • 92.6k
32 votes

Rich get richer phenomenon on CV

Let's look at the data. First up is a plot of acceptance rates versus the number of answers, with a weighted GAM smooth superimposed (courtesy ggplot2). It shows $...
whuber's user avatar
  • 330k
28 votes

Why is math.SE more responsive than Cross Validated? has more site traffic than Stats.SE. Math.SE has much more site traffic. Moderator @whuber notes that depending on the statistic, the ratio of ...
Sycorax's user avatar
  • 92.6k
24 votes

How to make math/stats discussion friendly to blind people?

I'm not literally blind, but I'm legally blind, with corrected acuity on the order of 20/200. My condition could be more informatively described as "low vision". So I'm just as dependent on my vision ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
  • 20.4k
19 votes

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

Downvote Here is the mouseover text on the downvote button: The question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful I'd recommend we be more liberal with actually clicking on ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
18 votes

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

We do not have a problem with unanswered questions. We have a problem with low quality questions. See the below image from this sql script which gives for the monthly answers and questions the 10-log ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
15 votes

Statistics on Cross Validated usage

Some of the sources of information: The "Users" tab, which stares at you every time you use StackExchange: That should be on screen every time your read or post on the main site. If you investigate ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 287k
14 votes

How many questions are too many?

I'm not sure there is a 'too many' in a general sense. Let me make a couple suggestions: Try to keep your threads consistent and manageable. I think it's OK to put more than one question into the ...
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
14 votes

Is it true that the number of questions is growing while the number of answers can't keep up?

I've been watching this for a long time now. While both questions and answers are growing, there's a somewhat faster increase in questions than answers, and over a period of a couple of years it can ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 287k
13 votes

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

If a user asks an on-topic, answerable question, will that user get an answer? Most likely yes (currently ~60% of all questions are answered). The question graph is biased because the unanswered ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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12 votes

How many questions are too many?

You should generally ask questions separately unless they're very closely connected (in a way that it's natural to answer them together). Posting laundry-list questions will get your question closed. ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 287k
12 votes

Is it time for an independent Statistics Q&A website? How can we be more independent? #STEXIT #WhoOwnsTheInternet

Solution: exact copy elsewhere It is possible to have a virtually identical format, widely and productively used, under control of a non-SE entity that is invested in high-quality treatment of the ...
eric_kernfeld's user avatar
11 votes

Is it true that the number of questions is growing while the number of answers can't keep up?

In answer to Glen_b, I think the site management is outstanding. It seems however that the group of users who have questions but cannot answer any is much larger than the group of people who can ...
tomka's user avatar
  • 6,634
11 votes

Rich get richer phenomenon on CV

The question is asking about rich-get-richer at the level of users (high rep users getting undeserved attention as they get higher rep). I'll address that first, but I'll then discuss a slightly ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 287k
10 votes

Rich get richer phenomenon on CV

One example where rich definitely do get richer causally (i.e. after controlling for quality), is questions, in particular newly posted questions. The more upvotes a newly posted question gets, the ...
amoeba's user avatar
  • 106k
10 votes

Why do time series questions get such a low response rate?

It looks like I'm one of the more active users in the forecasting and time-series tags. Here is my subjective take. I very much agree with Nick Cox' comment. Many, if not most of the questions ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
9 votes

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

We need more answers, and therefore answer-writers There's no escaping that more answers to on-topic questions are required to close the gap. In my opinion this is the single most important point, ...
Xavier Bourret Sicotte's user avatar
9 votes

Is it time for an independent Statistics Q&A website? How can we be more independent? #STEXIT #WhoOwnsTheInternet

Solution: create an independent WIKI portal The Q&A format of StackExchange has generated a sort of yellow pages for all sort of problems with several advantages: It generates content/information ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
8 votes

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

I don't think the problem is solvable just by closing more questions or downvoting. I think all users start at a point where they just ask questions, then some of them become knowledgeable enough to ...
DeltaIV's user avatar
  • 18.3k
8 votes

Brainstorm: Should we collaborate with an alternative Q&A website? (and how?)

Here's a bump to this thread: Codidact now has a Math.Codidact site, with scope General Q&A about all branches of theoretical and applied mathematics, including closely-adjacent sciences where ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
7 votes

How to make math/stats discussion friendly to blind people?

This is mostly an addendum to @Kodiologist's enlightening answer. I suggest downloading and installing an app that simulates different types of color impairment, and then running your visualizations ...
Matthew Drury's user avatar
7 votes

How to improve attention to interesting/advanced, but complex/difficult, questions?

I have been here for not quite long but I do have a taste of what HNQ does. So, count me in among the league of those users who feel exasperated when an HNQ bloats a mediocre question and it gets ...
User1865345's user avatar
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6 votes

Are we seeing a dramatic drop in answers per question?

Lately I have used a lot of my spare time to answer questions on CV. I do get a little frustrated when my answers receive no attention at all, such as here, here, here and here. Now I'm happy to ...
Robert Long's user avatar
  • 63.6k
6 votes

Are we seeing a dramatic drop in answers per question?

User @amoeba pointed out to me that data about stats.SE is queryable from a simple API. One way to re-frame this question is "Are more questions asked in a month than are answered?" This plot ...
Sycorax's user avatar
  • 92.6k
6 votes

Brainstorm: Should we collaborate with an alternative Q&A website? (and how?)

Create a general landing page for statistics questions. We could create a statistics landing page where all sites, for instance also datascience.SE, could join together in a single same spot. This is ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
5 votes

Are we seeing a dramatic drop in answers per question?

Ultimately, I think we need more people answering questions - many times more. While more experts would be great, I think we actually need more ... journeyman statisticians, and even in some cases ...
Xavier Bourret Sicotte's user avatar
5 votes

Do questions and answers have different activity profiles during the day?

The following SEDE query shows that most activity is between 15:00 and 15:59 UTC. Here is the graph: Asking and answering follow the same trend but in the evening a bit more answers are posted.
rene's user avatar
  • 101
5 votes

Unexpected reset of the daily login count (towards Enthusiast badge)

Probably not a bug, but I hope this answer can help you narrowing down your issue. First of all, one needs to understand what is a 'day' in Stack Exchange and realize that badges like Enthusiast and ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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5 votes

Brainstorm: Should we collaborate with an alternative Q&A website? (and how?)

I am so glad @SextusEmpiricus asked this question, and I have been visiting both sites before this question was posted. That said: Top Answers' Code of Conduct is "Be nice." which seems ripe for ...
Alexis's user avatar
  • 30.4k
4 votes

How do I find what percent of my points come from which tags?

Unless I'm reading your question wrong, amoeba's comment pretty much answers it: Something like that? The only thing left there ...
JNat's user avatar
  • 101

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