I stumbled upon a [suggestion](https://stats.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/366990) for an edit that only added a copyrighted image to an answer, presumably without the authors' consent. 

I rejected the edit on this basis (as supposedly it would harm the website), but two other users approved it. After reading [this other discussion][1], I wonder if I should just ignore this kind of situation, or continue to reject this kind of edit in the future.

I'm aware of [other posts][2] on the subject of copyrighted material, but my question is what I should do about suggested edits that possibly violate copyright, not about if *I* can include copyrighted material in my own answers and questions.


  [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/394489/questions-and-answers-containing-copyrighted-images
  [2]: https://stats.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6017/copyright-can-we-copy-an-image-from-an-article-and-paste-it-into-our-questions