Linked Questions

41 votes
9 answers

Are we seeing a dramatic drop in answers per question?

From time to time I look at CV site-related stats of various kinds in various places. I was alarmed to look at this query on Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE), Which shows a dramatic drop in the ...
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 290k
44 votes
7 answers

We have a very large & widening gap between questions and answers. How do we fix it?

Cross-validated is a question-and-answer site. I think it's worthwhile to ask "How well does this website serve people who ask (on-topic, answerable) questions?" To answer this question in a ...
Sycorax's user avatar
  • 94k
22 votes
5 answers

Is a quick-and-dirty answer better than no answer?

I find that many questions go unanswered for lack of a great answer. That applies to both CV and here on CV meta. Whether this is due to brain drain, or a flood new users, or perfectionism, is hard to ...
shadowtalker's user avatar
  • 12.8k
3 votes
3 answers

Weighted vote mechanism

I have noted that the vote mechanism assign the same score for one vote up/down independently by the user score. In my opinion this is not fairly as high scored users has a deeper understanding of the ...
emanuele's user avatar
  • 2,098
14 votes
2 answers

If a question is good enough for you to answer, should you up vote it?

Following on from the recent question about upvoting (or the lack of it), here is a specific example where I'm not sure what we 'should' be doing with regards to upvoting. I provided a short answer to ...
Bogdanovist's user avatar
  • 6,679
13 votes
1 answer

GINI score - what does the distribution of reputation across CV look like?

Background: I was on Stack Overflow and they seem to have a lot more traffic and users there. It seems to make sense to me because knew many more CS majors than stats majors in college. This made me ...
EngrStudent's user avatar
  • 9,853
3 votes
2 answers

Does CV slow down during big meetings like the JSM in the US?

The JSM starts in San Diego this weekend. I am going on Saturday. I started here three months ago and have participated for all 87 days. I have sveral things to do at the meetings and may not get on ...
Michael R. Chernick's user avatar
26 votes
0 answers

The most interesting users on CV

One great use of this website I discovered is digging through the highest voted answers authored by users with high reputation. I've discovered some really interesting discusions this way, and I ...
David Marx's user avatar
  • 7,137
7 votes
1 answer

What is the relationship between some measure of reputation on our site and statistical prowess?

There is first a question within this question, and, that is "Where should I be posing the question?" There are certainly people on this site with marvelous minds. The second question, the primary ...
Carl's user avatar
  • 13.3k
14 votes
1 answer

Should our FAQ include information about answering questions?

(Preliminary question: Is our FAQ editable at this point? If so:) I have recently started being more active in reviewing. Mostly, of course, you review a new user's first questions, and are often ...
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar