There are two upvoted answers to this question* (mine and someone else's). While the user appears to have been removed and the question has a -3 score, it seems that these answers are productive and address a question which someone might like to have answered in the future.
It appears that it was automatically deleted by Community, but it's not clear why.
My recollection** is that this user posted a number of relatively poor questions, some of which people endeavored to answer, many of which rapidly accumulated downvotes. If it's the case that this user's posts are being purged by the Community bot, it seems like we should make an effort to curate the questions which have high-quality answers even if the question itself is poor.
*If you're not able to view this question, it could be because you do not have sufficient reputation to view deleted posts.
**Since the user is removed, we can't see the historical aliases, but I think I know who the user was based on context.