[This post was inspired by this one]
You may have noticed that I award the occasional bounty - I like to give one when I see a particularly good answer or a question I think should get an answer. (What do I need 125K reputation for? It's not doing me any good there.)
However, I only see a fraction of the posts on site, and while I have broad interests, I don't pay close attention to every kind of question. So it's a sure thing that there are many good answers I haven't seen, or that I saw once but have since forgotten.
I'd like to see suggestions of good posts that deserve a bounty (one per answer*) -- answers that more people should see, or even questions that it would be good for the site to get a good answer to. Feel free to upvote any you agree with (whether you have nominated some or not); upvotes will certainly influence the judges but are not the only factor (encouraging good answers from newer users is another, for example)
* you can nominate more than one in separate answers, but for this exercise you can't nominate your own questions or answers (though I may do a self-nomimation one at a later time). You also can't nominate my answers (well, okay, you actually can -- I can't stop you -- but I couldn't bounty myself even if I wished to).
In a few days from now, if there have been more than zero nominations, I will place the first bounty (it takes at least a day to before you can award one, though - longer if you let them stay in the queue to get exposure).
A few days after placing that, I'll look here for another to start - up to the limit of available free slots for (maximum of three for any one user). As slots free up I'll add more bounties.
As a bounty is awarded, I'll mark it here (in the answer). I may telegraph my intent on some depending on how things go.
A typical bounty I'd seek to offer for a good answer will be 100 points, but I may offer more or less as circumstances suggest (you can also suggest a higher bounty when you nominate, or in comments under a nomination). I will generally try to avoid the highest amounts (500 is possible under the bounty system but I don't want to outshine other people's bounties too much; all bounties deserve good attention).
Here are some things you might consider if you're having trouble coming up with one (but you can nominate for other reasons):
Has an answer been especially helpful to you or given some special insight?
Is there an answer where you thought "why didn't the textbooks explain it like this?"
Is there an answer you wish you could show everyone?
Is there a great question you really wish had an answer?
That's the sort of thing that needs promotion, and would be a good post to suggest.
I hope to spend at least 1000 points (i.e. perhaps about 10 bounties give or take) this way -- to award that number of bounties would take several weeks (since deserving posts should have some time in the bounty queue spotlight so people can see them) -- however, if it seems to be working well, I'd run it longer. [NB at this stage the total points awarded to nominated posts exceeds that target, which counts as a success.]
[If anyone else feels particularly that they want to offer bounties on posts that come up, feel free -- but try to keep in mind that we shouldn't flood the queue, so I think we should keep it to no more than say five bounties running at one time across all nominations here. If you want to claim one in advance of setting the bounty - because you want to wait a few days - just say so on the post. If you do award a bounty, mark the post you bountied as was done in the linked post.]