This question: Sum of Gaussian mixture and Gaussian scale mixture
In its current form it is clear enough. The OP did not specify the word "independent", but it is quite clear that is intended.
Please vote for reopen.
This question: Sum of Gaussian mixture and Gaussian scale mixture
In its current form it is clear enough. The OP did not specify the word "independent", but it is quite clear that is intended.
Please vote for reopen.
I can answer 20% of why this question was closed, being one of the five close voters. The question has been edited since, and may well be edited again, so I won't make a running commentary on whether I think the current state of the question deserves to be reopened.
Here is my general thought process about question clarity, which I ran through when looking at the question.
In this case, on point (1) the question had a clear title and I thought it had the potential to be a nice little question. But the body of the question did not define its terms clearly. On point (2), if you read the comments, there are clear contradictions between the question body and statements by the OP about what situation they are dealing with. On point (3), the question's lack of clarity has already attracted an answer that the OP was unsatified with. (4) The fact that Prof. Xi'an thought what the OP was after (looking at both question and comments) was "impenetrable" was conclusive enough that it "wasn't just me".