I am currently interacting with a new user who has a question I think is interesting. To move the discussion forward, he really needs to show a picture. Unfortunately, he can't do that yet.
Somewhat surprisingly, I didn't find the reputation threshold for including pictures in questions (or answers) in the list of privileges. Nor did searches on meta.SO or meta.CV yield anything particularly helpful.
I have two factual questions and one question I'd like to discuss. The factual questions are:
What's the reputation (or other) threshold for being able to include pictures in questions?
What's the reputation (or other) threshold for being able to include pictures in answers?
(Maybe the site admins could include this info in the list of privileges.)
The question I'd like to get y'all's opinion on is:
Does this reputation threshold for including pictures make sense for CV?
It seems to me like there are far more questions that would profit from pictures on CV than on many other SE sites. So keeping new users from posting pictures raises a higher hurdle for them on CV than on, say, SO, or Academia.SE, or Workplace.SE, where you will rarely-if-ever see a picture.
Consequently, I'd propose allowing new users to include pictures in questions and answers on CV, or reduce the rep threshold (maybe to 5, so the first upvoter could ask them to edit the question and include the picture).