I've noticed several questions popping up recently on the topic of Bayesian Optimization. Many of the questions are bizarre, full of misconceptions, and (as some moderators have noted) perfect examples of XY problems. But these questions aren't always closeable per se. If we dealt with just one such instance, an acceptable answer would be to gently correct their understanding. But we sometimes deal with 100s of undertrained statisticians participating in a free, possibly low quality MOOC. If we have 1000s of questions from them it doesn't make sense for the site to contain 1000s of copies of the same general answer. "X is wrong, thus Y doesn't matter".
This leads me to ask a two-part question (knowingly violating the site recommended rules);
- Is there a way to detect trends in questions when a "hot" topic surfaces, i.e. who are the askers, who are the answers, what is the view and vote activity on a particular topic, etc.?
- how can we speed up review and possible closure knowing that hot topics tend to attract bad questions, and (as an olive branch) point these askers to higher quality sources on a particular subject?