I endorse [Nick Cox's answer][1] (that we should split it is not about on-topic subjects from programming questions AND not join any other close reason to them), except I suggestNo, we keep 'asking for datasets'shouldn't.
If it'asking for datasets' close reason has been used (even it is not too much), it has been useful. If we really had to choose between one or (pretty much the othersame way as 'opinion-based' has, then OK to replace itthe second least used topic).
However, it is possiblethe idea of splitting the 'not about statistics' and 'pure programming is' good. Despite initially declined, we can try to insist with the SE staff to have a 4th close reason (there is a tendency foras many other SE sites to use one; GIS and Database Administratorsalready have one). Moreover, sooner or later that close reason will be broadened to include other types of shopping list questions here in CV SE (we can observe a shift in how users perceive such types of questions are in course; recent example).
Going either way (removing or not removing, splitting or not splitting), I also suggest we reorder the close reasons in the dialog from top to bottom according to their frequency of use, reported (reported in Extract software-specific default close reason):
- programming;
- self-study;
- not about statistics, machine-learning, etc.*
- asking datasets;
- blatantly off-topic (for <3k rep) / other (>=3k rep) .
*I am assuming that after splitting itif split occurs, that it'not about statistic' would rank 3rd (but this could be reassessed after some time with real data).
Here is the current dialog (it still has plenty of space)order:
[![enter image description here][4]][4] [1]:https://stats.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5607/should-we-remove-the-datasets-close-reason-from-the-list/5608#5608 [2]:https://stats.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5607/should-we-remove-the-datasets-close-reason-from-the-list#comment17366_5607 [3]:https://gis.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4977/adding-bug-reports-to-off-topic-close-reasons-dialog [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/mWChI
The picture also illustrates the dialog has space for adding more topics if we want to.png