##Signed-rank-test to Wilcoxon-signed-rank test
Signed-rank-test to Wilcoxon-signed-rank test
[This answer was originally posted as a separate question (you still can see comments there) and now transferred to here as an answer. It is my request about the tags of two "Wilcoxon" tests, independent-sample and paired-sample.]
Moderators, please rename tag signed-rank-test
(Wilcoxon paired sample test) to wilcoxon-signed-rank
. We have curently such tag, but it is a junior synonym of signed-rank-test
. So, please appoint wilcoxon-signed-rank
to be the main tag and signed-rank-test
its junior synonym: revert.
For the unpaired Wilcoxon, we have nice tag wilcoxon-mann-whitney
. Thence it is logical to have wilcoxon-signed-rank
as its paired counterpart.
Note that signed-rank-test
isn't optimal because it doesn't mention "Wilcoxon". It thus can be confused with the sign test. Besides, there exist other, less known, rank tests based on signs of the rank differences, which adds to the confusion. Finally, a number of software (SPSS for example) and books use name "Wilcoxon" only with the paired signed-rank test and never with the unpaired test which they call "Mann-Whitney"; it might be an argument to state that "Wilcoxon" have stronger - at least not lesser - belonging to the paired test than to the unpaired and therefore should be included into the tag of the paired test.
An alternative name: create wilcoxon-paired-test
instead of wilcoxon-signed-rank
, if you would like it better. I like both variants of the tag name.